Master Yourself
Ken Smith
“How we think is more important than what we think.”
My Life Philosophy
Welcome to my website, where I share my personal philosophy on life, vision, and mission.
My vision is centered on the pursuit of Eudaimonia, the ultimate state of flourishing and prosperity as a mortal human being with an immortal spirit. I am devoted to living in harmony with nature and dedicated to the cultivation of my true self, as a rational and social being. This is the foundation of my philosophy and the driving force behind my actions. I believe that by embracing this vision, we can live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
My mission is to relentlessly strive towards achieving a balanced and fulfilled life by gaining a deeper understanding of practical wisdom, strength of character and the true nature of what is good, bad, or indifferent in life. I am committed to aligning my thoughts, feelings, actions, and words with my core values of caring, kindness, openness, transparency, honesty, fairness, tolerance, and authenticity, and to approach all the events and people in my daily life with equanimity, good grace, and patience.
My signature strengths of honesty, forgiveness, creativity, fairness, and social intelligence are integral to my personal identity and how I show up in the world. When I am fully engaged with these strengths, I am authentic, transparent, open, fair, caring and honest in my interactions with others. Additionally, I am adaptable, persevering, and inspire others with my selflessness, courage, faithfulness and loyalty. However, when I am not fully utilizing these strengths, I may come across as overly direct, confrontational, dominant, forceful, and impatient. It is important for me to be aware of these tendencies and make a conscious effort to tap into my signature strengths in order to be the best version of myself and positively impact those around me.
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I provide the following services In-person or via Teleconference
Leadership Development
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, leaders are faced with an increasing level of complexity and uncertainty.
Team development
I take an integrated approach to team development, examining personal and interpersonal strengths and challenges in leadership, team, and personal contexts.
Working Climate and Engagement
The JobMotivation Edition of the Identity Compass, developed by Professor David Scheffer, is a scientifically grounded interview that assesses job motivation and satisfaction based on the latest theories of Norbert Bischof, David McClelland, Friederich Herzberg, John Holland, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Vertical development
Constructed development coaching is a process in which a coach works with an individual to help them understand and navigate the various stages of development that are constructed by the individual themselves.
Vitality coaching
Vitality coaching is a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on helping individuals achieve optimal health and longevity through a combination of physical and mental practices.
Mindfulness is a powerful technique for reducing stress, preventing burnout, and increasing productivity by allowing you to remain in the “flow zone”
The Enneagram
Organisations are recognizing the importance of investing in their people by adopting a more human-centered approach.
Business Consulting
Kenmar Support Services CC specialises in providing the following support services for Small Medium & Macro Enterprises.
Adult Development
An innovative approach to Adult Development
Constructed Development Theory (CDT) emerged from the doctoral research of Dr Darren Stevens. It is the idea that every moment, we construct our thinking based on cognitive shortcuts that have become habits over time. We do this based on how we constructed ourselves yesterday. This ensures we remain consistent over time, and it also avoids cognitive dissonance.
Dr Stevens determined that how we think and behave is simply a collection of constructed habituated thoughts that emerge from childhood. Importantly, we seldom get an opportunity to question these constructs. If we did, then we could influence our thinking in the moment. It is implied in Constructed Development Theory that we are not necessarily who we think we are, but how we think we are.
CDT questions our construction of self by investigating the unique combination of fifty heuristics called Cognitive Intentions, which form our individual Thinking Style. The combination of these Cognitive Intentions is embedded in the Identity Compass Profile. Only by bringing to consciousness the Intention, Awareness, Choice, and Response of our thinking are we able to grow our self-awareness and complexity. These are called the Four Pillars of Constructed Development.
CDT conforms to traditional stage theory
“If we must have stages, then let’s at least have some semblance of division and deconstruction that means something. This is where CDT separates itself from conventional wisdom and demonstrates how the use of Cognitive Intentions will be the future of stage development.” Dr. Darren Stevens
The theory of Constructed Development is more holistic than traditional stage development theories in that the changes achieved in one’s level of awareness will not only impact a business environment, but also other environments, as our Thinking Style changes across contexts. It is the bridge between domain-general and domain-specific thinking.
Job Motivation and Satisfaction
The JobMotivation Edition of the Identity Compass, developed by Professor David Scheffer, is a scientifically grounded interview that assesses job motivation and satisfaction based on the latest theories of Norbert Bischof, David McClelland, Friederich Herzberg, John Holland, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Professor Scheffer was the first to scientifically prove the connection between working atmosphere and work performance.
The tool, called Motivation Architecturing, provides a personalised strategy for managers to retain, motivate and manage employees. It includes a prioritised list of drivers for workplace motivation, precise motivational language and communication style, and a coaching session for the manager to effectively implement the strategy. This approach is both precise and cost-effective.
It’s a technology for processing people, ‘technology’ for talent management.
Team development
I strongly believe in the power of team development to unlock the full potential of individuals and teams.
I take an integrated approach to team development, examining personal and interpersonal strengths and challenges in leadership, team, and personal contexts.
Through my comprehensive development plan, team members can identify ways to effectively deal with their challenges and reach their full potential. This not only improves their individual performance, but also enhances the overall effectiveness and ability of the team to overcome obstacles.
I also offer the option to compare the profiles of the entire team, allowing for a clear visualisation of the strengths and weaknesses of the group.
The tool I use is the Identity Compass, which can be used to create an “All Star Team” of employees that are highly likely to work well together. This tool includes twelve pages of different team-reports, including correlations with skills sets such as leadership, communication, working accuracy, burnout or bore-out, teamwork, sales excellence, and project management.
With my team development program, your team will be better equipped to tackle any challenge that comes their way.
The Complexity of a Modern Environment Demands a New Approach in Leadership
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, leaders are faced with an increasing level of complexity and uncertainty. To navigate these challenges, leaders must be able to adapt their thinking in real-time and make informed decisions that consider the complexities of the situation at hand.
Existing leadership methodologies are no longer adequate to prepare leaders for the future. An innovative approach is needed, one that focuses on Vertical Development and the Theory of Constructed Development. This approach is unique in that it helps leaders to measure their own capabilities and to prepare for the complexities that lie ahead.
To meet the demands of the modern business environment, we need leaders who possess High Dynamic Intelligence. These leaders are:
Able to see the big picture and understand the meta-position
Capable of adapting easily to change
Consciously motivated to build collaborative relationships
Sufficiently risk-aware to make confident decisions
Interested in the opinions of others
Able to build bridges as they navigate challenges
Able to see the bigger picture and explain it to others
Able to understand the long-term ramifications of their decisions as well as the short-term consequences
Ultimately, the way we think shapes the business environment around us. A new approach to thinking is essential for leaders to succeed in the modern business landscape.
Vertical development
Constructed development coaching is a process in which a coach works with an individual to help them understand and navigate the various stages of development that are constructed by the individual themselves. This type of coaching can help individuals to identify their own personal and professional goals and develop strategies for achieving them. The coach works with the individual to help them understand the factors that are shaping their development, and to identify the resources and support they need to make progress.
The benefits of constructed development coaching can include increased self-awareness, improved decision-making and problem-solving skills, and the ability to navigate changes and challenges more effectively. It can also help individuals achieve greater balance, fulfillment, and satisfaction in their personal and professional lives by constructing their own development path. It can also help to create an environment where the individuals feel more in control of their own development and career trajectory.
Vitality Coaching
Vitality coaching is a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on helping individuals achieve optimal health and longevity through a combination of physical and mental practices. By incorporating exercises like Qigong (Chi Kung), fascia development, asana, kettlebells and meditation, a vitality coach can help individuals develop flexibility, mobility, stability, and concentration, all of which are essential for maintaining good health and vitality.
Qigong (Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese practice that involves a series of slow, flowing movements that promote balance, relaxation, and inner peace. Fascia development, on the other hand, focuses on improving the health of the connective tissues that cover and support the muscles and organs of the body. Asana is a practice of yoga postures that helps improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Kettlebells are a terrific way to build strength and endurance while also improving balance and coordination. Meditation is a practice that helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote a sense of inner calm.
Overall, vitality coaching provides an integrated approach to wellness that helps individuals achieve optimal health and longevity. By incorporating practices like Qigong, fascia development, asana, kettlebells and meditation, a vitality coach can help individuals develop flexibility, mobility and stability and maintain a strong and energetic body and mind.
Mindfulness Development
Welcome to the Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, Burnout Prevention, and Increased Productivity page!
Mindfulness is a powerful technique for reducing stress, preventing burnout, and increasing productivity by allowing you to remain in the “flow zone” – a state of best focus and engagement. It involves being present and fully engaged in the current moment, without judgment, and has been proven to have a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health.
By practicing mindfulness, we can break the cycle of getting caught up in negative thoughts and worries which can be detrimental to our well-being. By observing our thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them, we can respond to stress in a more productive and positive way. Also, being more aware of our thought patterns can help us respond to stress and demanding situations in a more productive and positive way.
For example, let’s say you are in a meeting and your boss starts critisising your work. If you are not aware of your thought patterns (Cognitive Intentions), you might automatically react with defensiveness or anger. However, if you are practicing mindfulness, you will be more aware of how you are thinking and feeling in that moment. Instead of reacting automatically, you will be able to pause and take a step back. This will allow you to respond in a more thoughtful and measured way, rather than letting your emotions take over.
Mindfulness can be practiced through a variety of techniques such as body scan, guided meditation, breath work and yoga. These techniques can help reduce stress, improve focus, decision making, and overall well-being. It is important to remember that mindfulness is not about escaping reality or forgetting about your problems, but rather learning to observe your Cognitive Intentions and feelings without getting caught up in them.
Thank you for visiting this page, I hope you find the information helpful. Remember, the more you practice mindfulness, the more benefits you will reap including stress reduction, burnout prevention and increased productivity.
The Enneagram
Organisations are recognizing the importance of investing in their people by adopting a more human-centered approach. This leads to a motivated and valued team that achieves peak productivity. The Enneagram process is an effective tool to meet these needs.
Effective Communication:
Effective communication is crucial for success in any venture. The Enneagram helps organizations understand the different structures of interpretation and values, motivations, and priorities of their team members. This allows for real communication and more effective conflict resolution, leadership, and client relationships.
Using The Enneagram, organizations can make the most of human diversity and understand the unique perspectives of each team member. It also provides individuals with a clear picture of their own structure of interpretation and potential for growth.
The Enneagram describes nine different structures of interpretation, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. These include:
- Conscientious, purposeful, responsible & precise
- Warm, affirming, compassionate & nurturing
- Efficient, motivating, goal-orientated & industrious
- Intuitive, refined, distinctive & introspective
- Observant, innovative, logical & objective
- Loyal, responsible, cautious & tenacious
- Enthusiastic, visionary, gregarious & spontaneous
- Assertive, autonomous, decisive & fearless
- Patient, reassuring, easy going & diplomatic
By understanding these different viewpoints, organisations can better communicate and work with their team members, leading to a more cohesive and productive work environment.
Business Consulting
Kenmar Support Services CC specialises in providing the following support services for Small Medium & Macro Enterprises.
- Project Management
- Business Acumen (Risks and
- Opportunities)
- Business Strategy
- Process engineering (Agriculture and Forestry)
- Audit’s (AIB, ISO, HACCP, BBBEE)
- Legislative compliances
- Office administration
Ready to book a session?
Constructed development Theory™
The Theory of Constructed Development focuses on how human beings utilise shortcuts (Cognitive Heuristics) in their thinking to construct their Intention, Awareness, Choice, and Response™ in the moment.
The greater your Awareness of your Intention, the greater your capacity to Choose your Response in the moment.
How aware we are of our relationship with these shortcuts (Heuristics) is key to how we act and react in the moment, whether it is habit or a choice. This ability determines our Dynamic Intelligence.
How we perceive ourselves in the world uniting our Inner Cognitive Process (Constructivism) and a result of our Social Interchange (Constructionism) – our meaning-making and sense-making.
Dynamic Intelligence™
Dynamic Intelligence is the process by which we construct our thinking in the moment to determine the path from Intention to Awareness, then Choice and finally Response and thereby enabling us to predict the outcome of a situation better.
The greater our awareness of our intention, the more choice we create in our responses in the moment, thus, the greater our Dynamic Intelligence.
Dynamic Intention Awareness Model
Dr. Stevens model highlights one’s capacity for thinking and awareness in a predictive fashion in that the earlier an individual can step out of their own perspective to predict the outcome of a given event, making use of their awareness of their use of Cognitive Intentions in the moment, the higher their potential Dynamic Intelligence.
Cognitive Intentions
We construct our world by virtue of our Awareness of our use of the 50 Cognitive Intentions we see in the Identity Compass Profile. “The unique combination of meta-programmes allows each person to create their own model of the world”. (Hall, 2000).
Thinking Styles
The unique combination of Cognitive Intentions for everyone is considered a Thinking Style and this style is measurable on the Thinking Quotient (TQ) scale.
The ways in which the 50 Cognitive Intentions combine produce vastly different thinking and behaving outcomes for each person, and as such, a specific combination could be considered a thinking style, as governed by the person’s unconscious intention in the moment.
Thinking Quotient™
Dr. Stevens mapped the individual Cognitive Intentions in the Identity Compass profile to Kegan’s Adult Development Theory principles to show how each stage could be deconstructed from a position of awareness – Steven’s doctoral thesis explains at which level you reside, and how you can develop from there.
Awareness Quotient™
The Awareness Quotient is the tool created to measure your awareness of the relationship between the fifty Cognitive Intentions that are the building blocks of your Dynamic Intelligence.
This scale is your benchmark for your Constructed Development to facilitate a greater choice in your Response. Thus, the greater one’s ability to predict the ramifications of one’s decisions, the higher one’s self-awareness.
As a coach and developmentalist, I bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, having held various leadership positions in both the forestry and agricultural industries. My background as the CEO of various forestry contracting companies has given me a deep understanding of the industry and the ability to introduce innovative business concepts. I have also served on the Executive Committee of the SA Forestry Contractors Association for 8 years, including 4 years as chairperson, and have participated in various industry development interventions. Additionally, I have held roles as a Strategy Guide with Raizcorp, where I have led teams to guide business owners in running their operations more effectively and as Agricultural Operations Manager for NADEC’s Hail Project in Saudi Arabia, where I was responsible for managing and coordinating all activities for 11,000 hectares of various crops under irrigation and managing a 40,000-ton grain handling and corn cold storage facility with AIB International Certification. Furthermore, I have overseen ISO, AIB, quality systems, project and risk management as well as developing and implementing new business systems.
I hold credentials in PPM from the University of Pretoria, a certificate in Road Transportation from the Department of Transport and RAU, and certifications in ACC, Neuro-Semantics, Organizational and Team Coaching, and Hypnotherapy. I have been coaching and mentoring for over 15 years and have extensive experience working with various companies such as Mnet, Subaru S.A, Megapro, Motorite, Lafarge, Lothlorien Paper Mill, Blue Moon, Omega, Halls, York Timbers, ADVOCA, the Legal Aid Board and Rhyzotherm. I am fluent in English and Afrikaans and offer coaching, adult development, and therapy services in both languages.
Mind Body
I have had a keen interest in Chinese Kung Fu, Daoism and Chinese Culture from a youthful age. Despite the challenges posed by the international sanctions and lack of access to information during the 1970s and 1980s in South Africa, I was able to pursue my interest in Kung Fu by training as a student of the late Sifu Leo Sebregts, the head of the Shaolin Martial Arts Centre in Johannesburg. This school was the only Kung Fu school in Johannesburg at the time and Sifu Leo taught a family system called ‘Leung Cheung’ (Wing Chun and Lin Wan Kune), which he learned from the Leung Cheung family in the 1950s in Belgium. The Shaolin Martial Arts Centre still exists today and is managed by his sons Sifu’s Bruce and Frank Sebregts.
Much later in my life, I was fortunate to meet Mr. Corlius Birkill, the Head of YMAA South Africa and a disciple of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. As a private student of Jiao Lian Corlius, I had the opportunity to gain exposure to various martial arts styles such as White Crane (Bai He), northern division style Long Fist (Chang Chuan), Yang style Taijiquan, Qigong and internal alchemy (Nei Dan) which Jiao Lian Corlius studied under Master Wang Liping. I was also fortunate to attend seminars held by Master Yang during his visits to South Africa and even had the opportunity to accompany him on sightseeing tours.
In addition to Kung Fu, I also trained in Sorato-Ryu Kenjutsu Heiho (Japanese Sword) with Sensei Schalkwyk van der Merwe. I started to engage in the practice of Yoga in 2004 and qualified as a teacher in 2006 under the guidance of Kerry Weavind form the Haum of Yoga. In 2007 I attended a 10-day Anusara teachers training workshop presented by Desiree Rumbaugh. I also completed my HKC Kettlebell certification with Shaun Cairns.
I have presented classes at the Free Pure Spirit Yoga Studio & Health Center at the Sheffield Country Estate in White River, South Africa with a strong focus on power asanas, integrating several aspects of Ashtanga, Anusara, Hatha and Sivananda yoga as well as meditation, qigong, and kettlebell training – allowing my students to discover their bigger energy and flow within.
In 2019, I traveled to Thailand to study Qigong and Hermetics under the guidance of Sifu Mark Rasmus and Sifu Ludovic. Elastic Force Chi Kung is an internal development system designed by Sifu Mark Rasmus, which is a synthesis of the Hermetic sciences with human movements to activate fascia and develop internal power.
With such a diverse background, I bring a unique perspective to the practice of mind-body arts, and I am excited to continue my journey in these fields.

Kenmar Support Services CC
Reg no. 1990/036518/23
Cape Town
Tel: +(27) 83 627 0805
My Approach
I am an experienced professional who specialises in adult development and cognitive intentions.
My approach is rooted in Constructed Development Theory, and I am dedicated to helping my clients achieve a sense of centeredness, presence, and fullness in their lives. With my background in business and expertise in mind-body-spiritual practices, I can guide individuals towards finding balance and meaning in both their work and personal lives.
As a DevelopMentalist and Identity Compass Awareness Practitioner, I am trained in the Constructive Development Theory of Dr. Darren Stevens and the Identity Compass International, founded by Arne Maus.
Additionally, I am certified in Enneagram, Mindfulness, Elastic Force Chi Kung, and Yoga practices. I am also a team member of the Institute for Adult Development (IAD).”

Atalanta Fugiens or Atalanta Fleeing is an emblem book by Michael Maier (1568–1622), published by Johann Theodor de Bry in Oppenheim in 1617 (2nd edition 1618).
Innumerable accidents may happen to Travellers, especially if they are to walk at night through dangerous and slippery places. But besides Provisions and Strength of the Body, four things are extremely necessary:
In the first place, a Skilful Guide or Companion, for if the ignorant lead the ignorant, it may happen either as to the Blind that they may both fall into the Ditch, or at least they both may run into difficulties and Errors.
In the next place, a Staff, by which a Remedy may be provided against the slipperiness of the way.
Thirdly, good eyes, for else the way is almost as dangerous to those that are dim-sighted as to the blind.
Fourthly, a Lamp or lighted Torch, by which several obstacles may be avoided, so that if any Person applies himself to the search of the Philosophical Medicine, besides the strength of Body, and Money sufficient for his expenses, there are four other things requisite, to wit: Nature, Reason, Experience and Reading; for if any of these are wanting the others will be of little prevalence.
For these are the four Wheels of the Philosophical Chariot, for which one of them cannot be wanting, and if it is left out, it avails nothing.